

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Birthday Trip Itinerary

This is a long overdue post. It started with a whim of wanting to travel alone. And of course, an alert in my email from Cebu Pacific that they were having a grand seat sale.
And because it’s November (money coming in because of  “bonuses” and my credit card still has enough balance to accommodate the whim) I bought tickets to Hong Kong and Macau. A birthday gift/birthday trip for myself.

Planning stage was quite easy. I asked advise from traveler friends, et al, on where to go and what best to do in Hong Kong and Macau. I followed the advice of some but mostly my itinerary was made out of gut feel. 🙂

First things first: Budget.
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Where Did All My Moolah Go?

Lately, all you can hear from me is Wala na akong pera (I don’t have money anymore), Mura lang ba yan? (Is that cheap?) and almost all permutations of me having a financial difficulty.

This is because aside from the monthly bills that I get (credit card, house, water and electricity) the recent splurge on my birthday trip to Hong Kong and Macau had a toll on my non-existent savings.

So here is an accounting of what I spent during that almost 5 Days and 4 nights overseas trip.

Plane Fare – Thanks to CebPac’s cheap flights, I was able to get a relatively cheap air fare to an overseas destination. These tickets were impulsively bought last November:

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... a big time day dreamer
... an eternal wanderer

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LEGOLAND... here for the foreseeable future.

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