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Food and Noms, Homemade Noms

Easy Salmon Steak & Soba – HappyCall Recipe

Thanks to a friend’s recommendation, I bought myself a lovely Christmas present – a HappyCall. You can check out HappyCall here, some reviews here and recipes all around the internet. I’ve already used and ‘roasted’ a whole chicken in it as well as some stir fry. It’s only this time that I documented a recipe using HappyCall.

It’s 2015 and Babs and I are trying to lose weight and live healthy. So we decided that we will be preparing our own healthy meals and eat clean. To start off, a Sunday dinner of Salmon Steak + Soba noodles.

HappyCall is a good pan for this recipe as the salmon will not stick in the pan even without putting oil in it. See? Healthy! Anyway, I’m just a happy customer with regards to the pan – not a paid endorser. šŸ˜› Of course, you may use any non-stick frying pan for this.

Happy cooking!


2 250g Salmon Steak

1 90g Soba

6 Tbsp Less Sodium Soya Sauce

3 Tbsp Rice Wine

Thumb-sized ginger, chopped

1 clove of garlic, minced

Sides of broccoli and carrots (steamed with a drizzle of honey + grated ginger)


1. In a resealable bag, mix your soya sauce, rice wine, garlic and ginger. Marinade your salmon steak in the mixture for at least 20 minutes.

Marinated Salmon2. Heat your HappyCall pan. Once heated through, place your salmon steaks and let it cook for about 3-4 minutes each side.

3. While waiting for your fish to cook, simultaneously steam your veggies for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how well done you prefer it. Then use the same boiling water to cook your soba, following the packaging instructions of course.

Salmon Steak

4. Once the fish is almost done, pour in the marinade mix into the pan and let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.

5. Plate everything together and drizzle some bit of the sauce/cooked marinade onto your soba.


Salmon Steak & Soba

About IamJoyceee

I am a full time day dreamer and an eternal wonderer. A Bible-believing Christian, who is a big lover of the Big G, my G and my own little pug, Mr. Pies. I am passionate about being a home chef, solving pain points, as well as adopting tech for good. Twitter: @iamjoyceeee | Instagram: @iamjoyceee


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