

I am a full time day dreamer and an eternal wonderer. A Bible-believing Christian, who is a big lover of the Big G, my G and my own little pug, Mr. Pies. I am passionate about being a home chef, solving pain points, as well as adopting tech for good. Twitter: @iamjoyceeee | Instagram: @iamjoyceee
IamJoyceee has written 106 posts for Just Another Dumpsite…

Tablea Brownies

Following my recent update on my purchase of tablea during my last visit in the Philippines, I have decided the very next day (well, weekend actually) to make a quick and easy chewy tablea brownie.

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Tsokolate Tablea – Simple Joys

Tsokolate Tablea

My first ever memory of tablea was in the form of hot tsokolate (hot chocolate) during my first ever travel to Cebu/Bohol with the family when I was six years old. We were drinking it from a small karinderia at the port area of Surigao, at 4 in the morning, waiting for the boat that will take us to Bohol.

I remember it was so nice and warm and chocolate-y that nothing ever compared to the taste of it – not even Milo or the Milo Dinosaur and the more expensive ones like Swiss Miss and Hershey’s Chocolate powder.

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10 Ways to Spot a ‘Hipster’ Cafe

New ‘cool’ cafes keep on popping up in the Little Red Dot in the last couple of years. Now there are so many ‘hip’ & ‘trendy’ places to go to in Singapore that each and everyone one of them is claiming to be the ‘best’ or ‘has the best <insert food being served> or simply the ‘most unique’.

Cafe Image from Pixabay

Basically, we (Babs and I) categorize them all as ‘hipster’ cafes. It’s not saying that we try our best to avoid them, we just want to be more discerning when choosing which cafes to visit. Most of these places are more style than substance, more of like a ‘be seen’ place rather than a ‘good place to eat and relax’.

That is why we came up with a list to look out for which will serve as a red flag for us about these places.

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Snow, Lights and Santa: Rovaniemi, Finland

Rovaniemi, Finland is more than a 50 degree drop from where we come from, the sunny Singapore. The coldest place I’ve ever been prior to Lapland was standing for 30 seconds in a -20 degree fish freezer in Jurong for one of my projects/clients and all it did me was stink of fish all day. Other than that, it’s always been sun and rain for me, with the occasional fog during trips to the mountain (in Davao).

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Easy Salmon Steak & Soba – HappyCall Recipe

Thanks to a friend’s recommendation, I bought myself a lovely Christmas present – a HappyCall. You can check out HappyCall here, some reviews here and recipes all around the internet. I’ve already used and ‘roasted’ a whole chicken in it as well as some stir fry. It’s only this time that I documented a recipe using HappyCall.

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Selfieville: Alive Museum Singapore

I can see how Alive Museum can be really popular to tourists and locals alike: it’s the best place to have selfies and groupies (or groufies, whatever the official term for a group ‘selfie’ photo is)! Forget about the whole 3D visual illusion concept or the amazing 3D art, think about opportunities to ‘act’ out being chased after by zombies or pissed on by a toy poodle or moonwalk like MJ.

Anyway, not to slag off the whole thing, we actually had a pretty decent time going through the museum until you reach a group of people taking ages to move on because they want to get that ‘perfect’ group shot or a couple asking you to move because you’re in the ‘frame’. Until you get past these types and you’re left alone to your own devices, then you can truly enjoy the experience. 😉

So, what to expect in the museum?

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A Different Anna & Elsa – A Frozen Short Story

I was one of those who can’t stop singing ‘Let it Go’ after watching the film Frozen early this year. I was hit by the Frozen bug and until now, I’m still under its spell. The songs just keep on playing in my head and I think I have all three songs (Let It Go, Do You Wanna Build A Snowman and Love is an Open Door) memorized.

I think it’s my non-stop singing of the songs that made Babs write a fan fiction short story about the sisters. This short story is a different take on Elsa and Anna that would most likely make you think twice about the ‘real’ relationship of the sisters…

Well, not really. 😛 But it’s really a good (short) read and if you’re a fan of the movie Frozen, the song ‘Do You Want To Build a Snowman’ and a good chilling/horror story, then this is for you. Continue reading

Serving Guide When Hosting a Party

I love cooking and being a slave in the kitchen. I especially like ‘hosting’ salo-salo (Filipino term for gathering / party) at home for friends and families. I like to experiment on new recipes and make my ‘staple’ mains.

Honestly, it has always been a hit and miss for me when it comes to food prepared and most especially the amount of fare I make. Always when we I invite friends over, there is a humungous amount of leftovers and most of the time I ask my guests to take food home with them. And sometimes, I just end up throwing the leftovers away as we tend to not eat it when it’s been in the fridge for a couple of days. So when I came across this serving guide on Food Porn‘s Facebook Feed I immediately saved it as it just makes a good guideline for me in the future! Continue reading

Project 365: Week 1

IMG_0996 Day 1: 01 January 2013, Thursday

It’s time to see my family off after a week long of bonding. This is the first Christmas and New Year that we have been complete since 2010. Sadly, like all things, it has to end. All I can say is, Stemei (that’s the name of our house) won’t be the same without them.

However, after seeing them off, we got a new addition to our growing family (of plush toys). No need for introduction as I am pretty sure you know him.

A bit childish, yes, but hey, we have to indulge the kid in us every now and again. Continue reading

My Project 365

New year gives each and everyone of us a chance to live a new life. We need not necessarily change the way we live it but it gives us an opportunity to improve and be better, for ourselves and for our loved ones.

I am never good at keeping resolutions thus I refrain from making a new year’s list. That is why I would like to start (and finish) this Project 365: Blessings and Joy. So what is it? I don’t want to impose on myself some daunting tasks that I know I couldn’t achieve. Rather, I am looking at realistic ways to document everyday happenings that gives me joy and blessings and be a source of it myself. Hopefully, at the end of the 365 days, this project will help build my character, help me (re)discover myself, and help me value what I have.

So, here goes my Project 365:

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I am

... a big time day dreamer
... an eternal wanderer

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LEGOLAND... here for the foreseeable future.

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